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Connected Shopflor Summit: proGrow and KPMG present “Operational Excellence via Shopfloor Digitalization”

Diana Morgado

Marketing Specialist

On November 28th, the first edition of the Connected Shopfloor Summit took place.

In partnership with KPMG Portugal, proGrow hosted the conference "i4.0 - Operational Excellence through Shop Floor Digitalization" to practically demonstrate how industrial companies can overcome operational limitations and tackle challenges such as insufficient data and monitoring. Marco Tschan Carvalho, CEO of proGrow, Pedro Cardoso, CEO of Quantal S.A., Diogo Rebocho e Costa, Head of Operations at FMT Frezite, Céu Carvalho from KPMG Portugal, along with Pedro Rocha and Ana Lima from PRODUTECH, participated in a roundtable filled with expertise, where industrial challenges and digitalization were key topics.

During the event, Jorge Manuel Santos and Luis Santos from KPMG Portugal delivered two unique sessions on the importance of digitalization and how it drives efficiency across the value chain.

In an event defined by technology, we not only showcased our clients' perspectives but also demonstrated how proGrow adapts to different industrial scenarios, highlighting the indispensable role of our platform in today's landscape.